A Word About Recruiting Fees

Rather than be everything to everybody, CHRIS Kauffman & Co operates as a specialized recruiting firm with specific disciplines. If you are looking for a career in manufacturing, law, textiles or oil drilling, we are not the firm for you.

Our recruiting fees are hotly competitive and are market driven. One size does NOT fit all when it comes to working a mutually agreeable fee arrangement. We have some clients who have been with us since the 1980’s and some clients who just came on board with us in 2018.

“Just because another recruiting firm will charge you more than we will, does not mean that they love you any more than we do.”
---Chris Kauffman & Richard Uhler

A Quick Glimpse at Quality Talent

Free to Decision Making Hiring Authorities

Talent Showcase is a free subscription offered to Decision Makers who have hiring authority for Career Positions with Clubs, Hotels, Restaurants, Institutions & Sales.

Talent Showcase is sent via email and it is a listing of several quality candidates worthy of serious consideration for employment. Some of the candidates might be currently employed and some might be free agents with ready availability.

If you don’t currently receive our Talent Showcase, please send an email to Chris Kauffman: with your name, company affiliation and email address.

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"Recruiting Aces for Great Places Since 1981"

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